
Friday, July 21, 2017

Buying a cargo trailer? Here are 5 reasons to choose custom.

Why buy a custom cargo trailer? Well, we can think of a few reasons.

1. Why settle for "almost" what you want?

When you purchase a cargo trailer off the lot, you're getting the features and equipment that come with that particular trailer. If you have very specific needs for your cargo trailer, trying to find one on a lot that has the exact specifications you're looking for will be a challenge. You may have to travel to other cities or even other states to find what you need. And if you're going to go to that much trouble, why settle for "almost" what you want, or "good enough," when you can get a custom cargo trailer built to your specifications?

2. Never spent a day sitting on the lot.

Custom cargo trailers are made to order, following the specifications outlined by you, the customer. Once your custom cargo trailer is constructed, you are notified and are invited to come pick it up from the manufacturing facility. Your custom cargo trailer won't spend time sitting around on the lot, being exposed to the elements.

3. Designed to your specific needs.

Many of our customers appreciate our ability to make customizations based on very specific needs for their business. When you work with us, we'll help you design a cargo trailer that will serve your needs and help you achieve your goals.

4. Don't pay for features you don't need.

Buying a cargo trailer is a fairly large investment, especially if you're buying it for your business. Why spend precious resources on equipment and features you don't need? When you choose custom, you can pick the equipment and special features you want and leave out what you don't.

5. Support American-made products.

Custom cargo trailers from The Trailer Showroom are constructed in the USA. We have several manufacturing facilities throughout the country, from McGregor, Texas to Independence, Oregon to Douglas, Georgia - and we're growing every day! When you buy from us, you're supporting American-made business and local jobs in these communities. With many other companies, the cargo trailers are mass-produced overseas and simply sold in American lots.

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