
Friday, September 29, 2017

Does a V-Nose Increase Fuel Mileage?

When it comes to towing a cargo trailer, fuel mileage is an important aspect. Anyone in the market for a cargo trailer surely takes this into consideration when comparing different models and features. One question we hear a lot is, "Does a v-nose trailer improve gas mileage?" In today's post, we'll offer some insight that should help you make an informed decision when shopping for your next trailer.

Unfortunately, despite popular belief, we have not found ample evidence or published research to prove once and for all that a v-nose trailer design will improve fuel efficiency. However, spend a few minutes scanning through trailer forums and you'll see that many cargo trailer and RV owners swear that their v-nose is 1-2 mpg better than a flat nose alternative.

While it is true that aerodynamics plays a role in fuel efficiency, it's nearly impossible for us to say for sure that an increase in fuel efficiency is solely due to the v-nose feature. In many cases, fuel efficiency improvements reported through these online forums may have also been affected by differences in height, weight, speed and so on. There are many factors that contribute to fuel economy, which is why we can't provide a simple yes or no answer to this burning question - at least, not without scientific research in a controlled environment.

However, we can say that the v-nose shape most likely does not reduce drag and turbulence, at least not by a significant amount. You might be thinking, how is this possible? Isn't the v shape aerodynamic? Well, somewhat. But it's not just the shape that's the problem, it's the position.

Turbulence occurs when air pushes against the trailer along the sides, either from wind or other passing vehicles. When you use a v-shaped vehicle positioned where the pointed tip of the v is in the front, air is still going to be pushed along the sides of the trailer - not away from it. It may cut it back somewhat when compared to a flat nose trailer, but the turbulence will likely still occur.

So what's the best design for aerodynamics? Consider Navy jet aircrafts. They are somewhat teardrop shaped with the wide, rounded end in the front and the narrow end at the back. This is because the wide rounded end pushes air out and away from the sides as it moves forward.

So, back to the question: "Does a v-nose trailer improve fuel efficiency?"

We'd have to say...maybe, but not really. And probably not by a lot.

Be that as it may, there is one definite advantage to choosing a v-nose trailer design: more space! Many trailer owners opt for the v-nose feature because it offers additional interior square footage. This extra square footage can be utilized for storage, helping the owner make the most out of their space.

Here at Trailer Showroom, the v-nose feature can be added to just about any of our standard enclosed cargo trailers for an additional fee. If you'd like to explore our custom cargo trailers with the v-nose design, please feel free to browse our website and be sure to scroll down each product page to see if the v-nose option is offered.

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